Travel Health

This Service is currently suspended due to COVID-19
Travel Clinic is for all those who are travelling abroad for any reason, such as a holiday, business, school trip, gap year, study, visiting family, or voluntary work.
We are able to administer recommended vaccinations, including yellow fever vaccine, and advise about anti-malaria tablets if needed. We also give advice about non-vaccine preventable diseases, and general health tips to help you have a successful and healthy trip.
We run the clinic on a Tuesday afternoon, and recommend that you arrange an appointment at least 6 weeks before travelling. However, if your trip is last minute, please still contact us and we will endeavour to find a way to arrange vaccinations etc. If no appointments are available, we may need to ask you to attend the Walk in Centre at Whitegate Drive Primary Care Centre in this instance.
When you enquire about booking an appointment with us, you will be asked to fill in a pre-travel questionnaire. When this is returned to the Practice, we will be able to then book the travel clinic appointment for you.
Looking forward to seeing you and hearing about your interesting travel plans!
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card
Travel Vaccination Prices
Travel advice is covered by the NHS; however some vaccinations and prescriptions are only available privately. Payment for non-NHS services must be made at the first travel appointment.