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Repeat Medication Ordering Service

Please note that as of 1st September 2024, we will be discontinuing the repeat medication ordering service via the answering machine due to safety concerns. Messages left on answering machines can be prone to errors or misinterpretation, leading to potential mistakes in medication orders.

We kindly advise our patients to use alternative methods for ordering repeat medication. You can now conveniently order your medication through the NHS app or by handing in a paper slip at the medical centre. If these methods are not suitable for you, please contact the medical centre directly to discuss alternative arrangements.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Salbutamol and Terbutaline inhalers

New asthma and COPD guidelines are changing the way we provide respiratory care. Salbutamol and Terbutaline inhalers are no longer the mainstay treatment for these conditions. Importantly, overuse of these medications is a measure of poor disease control and suggests a need for treatment escalation. To ensure we identify patients whose control needs improvement, our systems will no longer allow patients to receive these inhalers on a repeat prescription which means you will be unable to order them via the NHS App.  You will still be able to request these inhalers on an acute prescription if required.  I understand your frustration at not being able to order salbutamol and terbutaline inhalers via the NHS App; but we have to adhere to the guidelines provided.


Knott End Pharmacy closures

Many of our Knott End patients will be aware of the frequent unplanned closures of our Local Knott End Community Pharmacy due to the unavailability of a pharmacist.  These closures have become increasingly common, leaving our patients without access to vital medications and pharmacy services.

The impact of these closures on our patients cannot be overstated. Many individuals rely on Jhoots Pharmacy for their medications, and when the pharmacy is closed, it leads to delays in treatment and increased pressure on our medical practice. For instance, the pharmacy has been closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week following the recent bank holiday. This closure has caused significant problems for our patients, many of whom were unable to obtain their medications in a timely manner. As a result, we experienced an influx of patients seeking urgent prescriptions at our medical centre, further straining our resources, and impacting our ability to provide care to others.

Over Wyre Medical Centre will support patients where we can.  It is my understanding that on the days that the Knott End Pharmacy has been closed, they have returned the electronic prescription to the “NHS Spine” which is an electronic holding area which a chemist can subsequently access to then dispense your medication request.  If patients are affected in this way, we can help by providing you with your specific bar code number for each medication to then take to a chemist of your choice. 


When Knott End Pharmacy is closed, why can’t Over Wyre Medical Centre Dispensary issue my medication?

There are strict rules governing our Dispensary with who we are allowed to dispense medication to.  If you live more than a mile away of a dispensing pharmacy, you are eligible to use the dispensing services at Over Wyre Medical Centre.  We offer free delivery to those who need it.

Dispensing Patients - Did you know that you can benefit for our dispensing service & expertise?  Because of where you live, we can prepare and dispense your medication on-site. Help to keep your local community thriving by supporting your local family GP practice. Benefits for you and us include:

  • Direct communication between you, our dispensary staff, our Pharmacist & your GP’s.
  • Repeat medications can be requested and collected two working days after request made.
  • Prescriptions for other items such as ostomy, catheters, and dietary & wound care products.
  • Delivery service available for housebound patients.


Patient Frustration at Knott End Pharmacy closures

I know it has been a frustrating time for patients who would normally have their medication dispensed by Knott End Pharmacy.  If you live over a mile away as the crow flies from Knott End pharmacy, then OWMC can dispense your medication.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to dispense to any patients who live within 1 mile from Knott End Pharmacy.  I hope the above helps clarify who Over Wyre Medical Centre can and cannot dispense to depending on the one-mile rule. 

In the meantime, when Knott End Pharmacy is closed, I know it is only natural for patients to then bring their query to the Medical Centre.  We will help where we can and as mentioned above, where possible we will dispense your medication if you reside over a mile away from the chemist or for those patients within a mile of the chemist, we will provide you with your specific bar code number to then take to a chemist of your choice. 

Finally, whilst we totally understand patient frustration arisen as a result of the chemist being closed but can I kindly ask all patients not to take it out on our hard-working dispensary and reception teams once you realise we are not allowed to dispense to specific patients who live within one mile of Knott End chemist.  There have been several instances of patient frustration boiling over this week and when this happens the words that patients use stay with our staff long after they have finished their shift.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Non-urgent advice: Zero Tolerance

Our Practice staff are here to help you.

Our aim is to be as polite and helpful as possible to all patients.

If you consider that you have been treated unfairly or inappropriately, please ask the reception staff to contact the manager or supervisor, who will be happy to address your concerns.

However, shouting and swearing at Practice staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances and patients who are abusive may be removed from the Practice List.

Please help us to help you.


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